Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-backup/boldgrid-backup-cron.php
<?php /** * File: boldgrid-backup-cron.php * * Total Upkeep cron control script. * * @link https://www.boldgrid.com * @since 1.0 * * @package Boldgrid_Backup * @copyright BoldGrid * @version $Id$ * @author BoldGrid <support@boldgrid.com> */ // phpcs:disable WordPress.VIP,WordPress.XSS.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin/class-boldgrid-backup-admin-cron-log.php'; require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cron/class-boldgrid-backup-cron-helper.php'; $cron_helper = new Boldgrid_Backup_Cron_Helper(); // Abort if not being ran from the command line. if ( ! $cron_helper->is_cli() ) { $error = 'Error: No parameters were passed. A "siteurl", "mode", and "id" are required.'; Boldgrid_Backup_Admin_Cron_Log::add_log( $error ); die( $error . PHP_EOL ); } // Initialize $input and $error. $input = null; $error = ''; /** * Parse input variables into an array. * Expected parameter: "siteurl" */ parse_str( implode( '&', array_slice( $argv, 1 ) ), $input ); $required_arguments = array( 'siteurl', 'id', 'secret', 'mode', ); // Abort if arguments are not passed. foreach ( $required_arguments as $required_argument ) { if ( empty( $input[ $required_argument ] ) ) { $error .= 'Error: "' . $required_argument . '" was not specified.' . PHP_EOL; } } if ( $error ) { Boldgrid_Backup_Admin_Cron_Log::add_log( $error ); die( $error ); } // Abort if not a valid mode. $valid_modes = array( 'backup', 'restore', ); if ( ! in_array( $input['mode'], $valid_modes, true ) ) { $error = 'Error: Invalid mode "' . $input['mode'] . '".'; Boldgrid_Backup_Admin_Cron_Log::add_log( $error ); die( $error ); } // Make an ajax call to run jobs, and report status. $query_string = array( 'action' => 'boldgrid_backup_run_' . $input['mode'], 'id' => $input['id'], 'secret' => $input['secret'], 'doing_wp_cron' => time(), ); if ( ! empty( $input['archive_filename'] ) ) { $query_string['archive_filename'] = $input['archive_filename']; } if ( isset( $input['archive_key'] ) && is_numeric( $input['archive_key'] ) ) { $query_string['archive_key'] = (int) $input['archive_key']; } $url = $input['siteurl'] . '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?' . http_build_query( $query_string ); // The helper class method will sanitize the url. require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cron/class-boldgrid-backup-url-helper.php'; $url_helper = new Boldgrid_Backup_Url_Helper(); $result = $url_helper->call_url( $url ); if ( false !== $result ) { $message = $result; } else { $error = 'Error: Could not reach admin-ajax.php address'; Boldgrid_Backup_Admin_Cron_Log::add_log( $error ); $message = $error . ': "' . $url . '".'; } die( $message );
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.33 | Генерация страницы: 0 |