Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-assets/src/class-assets.php
<?php /** * Jetpack Assets package. * * @package automattic/jetpack-assets */ namespace Automattic\Jetpack; use Automattic\Jetpack\Assets\Semver; use Automattic\Jetpack\Constants as Jetpack_Constants; use InvalidArgumentException; /** * Class Assets */ class Assets { /** * Holds all the scripts handles that should be loaded in a deferred fashion. * * @var array */ private $defer_script_handles = array(); /** * The singleton instance of this class. * * @var Assets */ protected static $instance; /** * The registered textdomain mappings. * * @var array `array( mapped_domain => array( string target_domain, string target_type, string semver, string path_prefix ) )`. */ private static $domain_map = array(); /** * Constructor. * * Static-only class, so nothing here. */ private function __construct() {} // //////////////////// // region Async script loading /** * Get the singleton instance of the class. * * @return Assets */ public static function instance() { if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) { self::$instance = new Assets(); } return self::$instance; } /** * A public method for adding the async script. * * @deprecated Since 2.1.0, the `strategy` feature should be used instead, with the "defer" setting. * * @param string $script_handle Script handle. */ public static function add_async_script( $script_handle ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '2.1.0' ); wp_script_add_data( $script_handle, 'strategy', 'defer' ); } /** * Add an async attribute to scripts that can be loaded deferred. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script * * @deprecated Since 2.1.0, the `strategy` feature should be used instead. * * @param string $tag The <script> tag for the enqueued script. * @param string $handle The script's registered handle. */ public function script_add_async( $tag, $handle ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '2.1.0' ); if ( empty( $this->defer_script_handles ) ) { return $tag; } if ( in_array( $handle, $this->defer_script_handles, true ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources.NonEnqueuedScript return preg_replace( '/<script( [^>]*)? src=/i', '<script defer$1 src=', $tag ); } return $tag; } /** * A helper function that lets you enqueue scripts in an async fashion. * * @deprecated Since 2.1.0 - use the strategy feature instead. * * @param string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique. * @param string $min_path Minimized script path. * @param string $non_min_path Full Script path. * @param array $deps Array of script dependencies. * @param bool $ver The script version. * @param bool $in_footer Should the script be included in the footer. */ public static function enqueue_async_script( $handle, $min_path, $non_min_path, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $in_footer = true ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '2.1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( $handle, self::get_file_url_for_environment( $min_path, $non_min_path ), $deps, $ver, $in_footer ); wp_script_add_data( $handle, 'strategy', 'defer' ); } // endregion . // //////////////////// // region Utils /** * Given a minified path, and a non-minified path, will return * a minified or non-minified file URL based on whether SCRIPT_DEBUG is set and truthy. * * If $package_path is provided, then the minified or non-minified file URL will be generated * relative to the root package directory. * * Both `$min_base` and `$non_min_base` can be either full URLs, or are expected to be relative to the * root Jetpack directory. * * @param string $min_path minified path. * @param string $non_min_path non-minified path. * @param string $package_path Optional. A full path to a file inside a package directory * The URL will be relative to its directory. Default empty. * Typically this is done by passing __FILE__ as the argument. * * @return string The URL to the file * @since 1.0.3 * @since-jetpack 5.6.0 */ public static function get_file_url_for_environment( $min_path, $non_min_path, $package_path = '' ) { $path = ( Jetpack_Constants::is_defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) ) ? $non_min_path : $min_path; /* * If the path is actually a full URL, keep that. * We look for a host value, since enqueues are sometimes without a scheme. */ $file_parts = wp_parse_url( $path ); if ( ! empty( $file_parts['host'] ) ) { $url = $path; } else { $plugin_path = empty( $package_path ) ? Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE' ) : $package_path; $url = plugins_url( $path, $plugin_path ); } /** * Filters the URL for a file passed through the get_file_url_for_environment function. * * @since 1.0.3 * * @package assets * * @param string $url The URL to the file. * @param string $min_path The minified path. * @param string $non_min_path The non-minified path. */ return apply_filters( 'jetpack_get_file_for_environment', $url, $min_path, $non_min_path ); } /** * Passes an array of URLs to wp_resource_hints. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string|array $urls URLs to hint. * @param string $type One of the supported resource types: dns-prefetch (default), preconnect, prefetch, or prerender. */ public static function add_resource_hint( $urls, $type = 'dns-prefetch' ) { add_filter( 'wp_resource_hints', function ( $hints, $resource_type ) use ( $urls, $type ) { if ( $resource_type === $type ) { // Type casting to array required since the function accepts a single string. foreach ( (array) $urls as $url ) { $hints[] = $url; } } return $hints; }, 10, 2 ); } /** * Serve a WordPress.com static resource via a randomized wp.com subdomain. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param string $url WordPress.com static resource URL. * * @return string $url */ public static function staticize_subdomain( $url ) { // Extract hostname from URL. $host = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ); // Explode hostname on '.'. $exploded_host = explode( '.', $host ); // Retrieve the name and TLD. if ( count( $exploded_host ) > 1 ) { $name = $exploded_host[ count( $exploded_host ) - 2 ]; $tld = $exploded_host[ count( $exploded_host ) - 1 ]; // Rebuild domain excluding subdomains. $domain = $name . '.' . $tld; } else { $domain = $host; } // Array of Automattic domains. $domains_allowed = array( 'wordpress.com', 'wp.com' ); // Return $url if not an Automattic domain. if ( ! in_array( $domain, $domains_allowed, true ) ) { return $url; } if ( \is_ssl() ) { return preg_replace( '|https?://[^/]++/|', 'https://s-ssl.wordpress.com/', $url ); } /* * Generate a random subdomain id by taking the modulus of the crc32 value of the URL. * Valid values are 0, 1, and 2. */ $static_counter = abs( crc32( basename( $url ) ) % 3 ); return preg_replace( '|://[^/]+?/|', "://s$static_counter.wp.com/", $url ); } /** * Resolve '.' and '..' components in a path or URL. * * @since 1.12.0 * @param string $path Path or URL. * @return string Normalized path or URL. */ public static function normalize_path( $path ) { $parts = wp_parse_url( $path ); if ( ! isset( $parts['path'] ) ) { return $path; } $ret = ''; $ret .= isset( $parts['scheme'] ) ? $parts['scheme'] . '://' : ''; if ( isset( $parts['user'] ) || isset( $parts['pass'] ) ) { $ret .= $parts['user'] ?? ''; $ret .= isset( $parts['pass'] ) ? ':' . $parts['pass'] : ''; $ret .= '@'; } $ret .= $parts['host'] ?? ''; $ret .= isset( $parts['port'] ) ? ':' . $parts['port'] : ''; $pp = explode( '/', $parts['path'] ); if ( '' === $pp[0] ) { $ret .= '/'; array_shift( $pp ); } $i = 0; while ( $i < count( $pp ) ) { // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops.Found if ( '' === $pp[ $i ] || '.' === $pp[ $i ] || 0 === $i && '..' === $pp[ $i ] ) { array_splice( $pp, $i, 1 ); } elseif ( '..' === $pp[ $i ] ) { array_splice( $pp, --$i, 2 ); } else { ++$i; } } $ret .= implode( '/', $pp ); $ret .= isset( $parts['query'] ) ? '?' . $parts['query'] : ''; $ret .= isset( $parts['fragment'] ) ? '#' . $parts['fragment'] : ''; return $ret; } // endregion . // //////////////////// // region Webpack-built script registration /** * Register a Webpack-built script. * * Our Webpack-built scripts tend to need a bunch of boilerplate: * - A call to `Assets::get_file_url_for_environment()` for possible debugging. * - A call to `wp_register_style()` for extracted CSS, possibly with detection of RTL. * - Loading of dependencies and version provided by `@wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin`. * - Avoiding WPCom's broken minifier. * * This wrapper handles all of that. * * @since 1.12.0 * @since 2.1.0 Add a new `strategy` option to leverage WP >= 6.3 script strategy feature. The `async` option is deprecated. * @param string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique across both scripts and styles. * @param string $path Minimized script path. * @param string $relative_to File that `$path` is relative to. Pass `__FILE__`. * @param array $options Additional options: * - `asset_path`: (string|null) `.asset.php` to load. Default is to base it on `$path`. * - `async`: (bool) Set true to register the script as deferred, like `Assets::enqueue_async_script()`. Deprecated in favor of `strategy`. * - `css_dependencies`: (string[]) Additional style dependencies to queue. * - `css_path`: (string|null) `.css` to load. Default is to base it on `$path`. * - `dependencies`: (string[]) Additional script dependencies to queue. * - `enqueue`: (bool) Set true to enqueue the script immediately. * - `in_footer`: (bool) Set true to register script for the footer. * - `media`: (string) Media for the css file. Default 'all'. * - `minify`: (bool|null) Set true to pass `minify=true` in the query string, or `null` to suppress the normal `minify=false`. * - `nonmin_path`: (string) Non-minified script path. * - `strategy`: (string) Specify a script strategy to use, eg. `defer` or `async`. Default is `""`. * - `textdomain`: (string) Text domain for the script. Required if the script depends on wp-i18n. * - `version`: (string) Override the version from the `asset_path` file. * @phan-param array{asset_path?:?string,async?:bool,css_dependencies?:string[],css_path?:?string,dependencies?:string[],enqueue?:bool,in_footer?:bool,media?:string,minify?:?bool,nonmin_path?:string,strategy?:string,textdomain?:string,version?:string} $options * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If arguments are invalid. */ public static function register_script( $handle, $path, $relative_to, array $options = array() ) { if ( substr( $path, -3 ) !== '.js' ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( '$path must end in ".js"' ); } if ( isset( $options['async'] ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __METHOD__, '2.1.0', 'The `async` option is deprecated in favor of `strategy`' ); } $dir = dirname( $relative_to ); $base = substr( $path, 0, -3 ); $options += array( 'asset_path' => "$base.asset.php", 'async' => false, 'css_dependencies' => array(), 'css_path' => "$base.css", 'dependencies' => array(), 'enqueue' => false, 'in_footer' => false, 'media' => 'all', 'minify' => false, 'strategy' => '', 'textdomain' => null, ); '@phan-var array{asset_path:?string,async:bool,css_dependencies:string[],css_path:?string,dependencies:string[],enqueue:bool,in_footer:bool,media:string,minify:?bool,nonmin_path?:string,strategy:string,textdomain:string,version?:string} $options'; // Phan gets confused by the array addition. if ( is_string( $options['css_path'] ) && $options['css_path'] !== '' && substr( $options['css_path'], -4 ) !== '.css' ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( '$options[\'css_path\'] must end in ".css"' ); } if ( isset( $options['nonmin_path'] ) ) { $url = self::get_file_url_for_environment( $path, $options['nonmin_path'], $relative_to ); } else { $url = plugins_url( $path, $relative_to ); } $url = self::normalize_path( $url ); if ( null !== $options['minify'] ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'minify', $options['minify'] ? 'true' : 'false', $url ); } if ( $options['asset_path'] && file_exists( "$dir/{$options['asset_path']}" ) ) { $asset = require "$dir/{$options['asset_path']}"; // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.Files.IncludingFile.NotAbsolutePath $options['dependencies'] = array_merge( $asset['dependencies'], $options['dependencies'] ); $options['css_dependencies'] = array_merge( array_filter( $asset['dependencies'], function ( $d ) { return wp_style_is( $d, 'registered' ); } ), $options['css_dependencies'] ); $ver = $options['version'] ?? $asset['version']; } else { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $ver = $options['version'] ?? @filemtime( "$dir/$path" ); } if ( $options['async'] && '' === $options['strategy'] ) { // Handle the deprecated `async` option $options['strategy'] = 'defer'; } wp_register_script( $handle, $url, $options['dependencies'], $ver, array( 'in_footer' => $options['in_footer'], 'strategy' => $options['strategy'], ) ); if ( $options['textdomain'] ) { // phpcs:ignore Jetpack.Functions.I18n.DomainNotLiteral wp_set_script_translations( $handle, $options['textdomain'] ); } elseif ( in_array( 'wp-i18n', $options['dependencies'], true ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, /* translators: %s is the script handle. */ esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Script "%s" depends on wp-i18n but does not specify "textdomain"', 'jetpack-assets' ), $handle ) ), '' ); } if ( is_string( $options['css_path'] ) && $options['css_path'] !== '' && file_exists( "$dir/{$options['css_path']}" ) ) { $csspath = $options['css_path']; if ( is_rtl() ) { $rtlcsspath = substr( $csspath, 0, -4 ) . '.rtl.css'; if ( file_exists( "$dir/$rtlcsspath" ) ) { $csspath = $rtlcsspath; } } $url = self::normalize_path( plugins_url( $csspath, $relative_to ) ); if ( null !== $options['minify'] ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'minify', $options['minify'] ? 'true' : 'false', $url ); } wp_register_style( $handle, $url, $options['css_dependencies'], $ver, $options['media'] ); wp_script_add_data( $handle, 'Jetpack::Assets::hascss', true ); } else { wp_script_add_data( $handle, 'Jetpack::Assets::hascss', false ); } if ( $options['enqueue'] ) { self::enqueue_script( $handle ); } } /** * Enqueue a script registered with `Assets::register_script`. * * @since 1.12.0 * @param string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique across both scripts and styles. */ public static function enqueue_script( $handle ) { wp_enqueue_script( $handle ); if ( wp_scripts()->get_data( $handle, 'Jetpack::Assets::hascss' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( $handle ); } } /** * 'wp_default_scripts' action handler. * * This registers the `wp-jp-i18n-loader` script for use by Webpack bundles built with * `@automattic/i18n-loader-webpack-plugin`. * * @since 1.14.0 * @param \WP_Scripts $wp_scripts WP_Scripts instance. */ public static function wp_default_scripts_hook( $wp_scripts ) { $data = array( 'baseUrl' => false, 'locale' => determine_locale(), 'domainMap' => array(), 'domainPaths' => array(), ); $lang_dir = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'WP_LANG_DIR' ); $content_dir = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ); $abspath = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'ABSPATH' ); // Note: str_starts_with() is not used here, as wp-includes/compat.php may not be loaded at this point. if ( strpos( $lang_dir, $content_dir ) === 0 ) { $data['baseUrl'] = content_url( substr( trailingslashit( $lang_dir ), strlen( trailingslashit( $content_dir ) ) ) ); } elseif ( strpos( $lang_dir, $abspath ) === 0 ) { $data['baseUrl'] = site_url( substr( trailingslashit( $lang_dir ), strlen( untrailingslashit( $abspath ) ) ) ); } foreach ( self::$domain_map as $from => list( $to, $type, , $path ) ) { $data['domainMap'][ $from ] = ( 'core' === $type ? '' : "{$type}/" ) . $to; if ( '' !== $path ) { $data['domainPaths'][ $from ] = trailingslashit( $path ); } } /** * Filters the i18n state data for use by Webpack bundles built with * `@automattic/i18n-loader-webpack-plugin`. * * @since 1.14.0 * @package assets * @param array $data The state data to generate. Expected fields are: * - `baseUrl`: (string|false) The URL to the languages directory. False if no URL could be determined. * - `locale`: (string) The locale for the page. * - `domainMap`: (string[]) A mapping from Composer package textdomains to the corresponding * `plugins/textdomain` or `themes/textdomain` (or core `textdomain`, but that's unlikely). * - `domainPaths`: (string[]) A mapping from Composer package textdomains to the corresponding package * paths. */ $data = apply_filters( 'jetpack_i18n_state', $data ); // Can't use self::register_script(), this action is called too early. if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../build/i18n-loader.asset.php' ) ) { $path = '../build/i18n-loader.js'; $asset = require __DIR__ . '/../build/i18n-loader.asset.php'; } else { $path = 'js/i18n-loader.js'; $asset = array( 'dependencies' => array( 'wp-i18n' ), 'version' => filemtime( __DIR__ . "/$path" ), ); } $url = self::normalize_path( plugins_url( $path, __FILE__ ) ); $url = add_query_arg( 'minify', 'true', $url ); $handle = 'wp-jp-i18n-loader'; $wp_scripts->add( $handle, $url, $asset['dependencies'], $asset['version'] ); // Ensure the script is loaded in the footer and deferred. $wp_scripts->add_data( $handle, 'group', 1 ); if ( ! is_array( $data ) || ! isset( $data['baseUrl'] ) || ! ( is_string( $data['baseUrl'] ) || false === $data['baseUrl'] ) || ! isset( $data['locale'] ) || ! is_string( $data['locale'] ) || ! isset( $data['domainMap'] ) || ! is_array( $data['domainMap'] ) || ! isset( $data['domainPaths'] ) || ! is_array( $data['domainPaths'] ) ) { $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( $handle, 'console.warn( "I18n state deleted by jetpack_i18n_state hook" );' ); } elseif ( ! $data['baseUrl'] ) { $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( $handle, 'console.warn( "Failed to determine languages base URL. Is WP_LANG_DIR in the WordPress root?" );' ); } else { $data['domainMap'] = (object) $data['domainMap']; // Ensure it becomes a json object. $data['domainPaths'] = (object) $data['domainPaths']; // Ensure it becomes a json object. $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( $handle, 'wp.jpI18nLoader.state = ' . wp_json_encode( $data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ) . ';' ); } // Deprecated state module: Depend on wp-i18n to ensure global `wp` exists and because anything needing this will need that too. $wp_scripts->add( 'wp-jp-i18n-state', false, array( 'wp-deprecated', $handle ) ); $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-state', 'wp.deprecated( "wp-jp-i18n-state", { alternative: "wp-jp-i18n-loader" } );' ); $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-state', 'wp.jpI18nState = wp.jpI18nLoader.state;' ); // Register the React JSX runtime script - used as a polyfill until we can update JSX transforms. See https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/38424. // @todo Remove this when we drop support for WordPress 6.5, as well as the script inclusion in test_wp_default_scripts_hook. $jsx_url = self::normalize_path( plugins_url( '../build/react-jsx-runtime.js', __FILE__ ) ); $wp_scripts->add( 'react-jsx-runtime', $jsx_url, array( 'react' ), '18.3.1', true ); $wp_scripts->add_data( 'react-jsx-runtime', 'group', 1 ); } // endregion . // //////////////////// // region Textdomain aliasing /** * Register a textdomain alias. * * Composer packages included in plugins will likely not use the textdomain of the plugin, while * WordPress's i18n infrastructure will include the translations in the plugin's domain. This * allows for mapping the package's domain to the plugin's. * * Since multiple plugins may use the same package, we include the package's version here so * as to choose the most recent translations (which are most likely to match the package * selected by jetpack-autoloader). * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $from Domain to alias. * @param string $to Domain to alias it to. * @param string $totype What is the target of the alias: 'plugins', 'themes', or 'core'. * @param string $ver Version of the `$from` domain. * @param string $path Path to prepend when lazy-loading from JavaScript. * @throws InvalidArgumentException If arguments are invalid. */ public static function alias_textdomain( $from, $to, $totype, $ver, $path = '' ) { if ( ! in_array( $totype, array( 'plugins', 'themes', 'core' ), true ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Type must be "plugins", "themes", or "core"' ); } if ( did_action( 'wp_default_scripts' ) && // Don't complain during plugin activation. ! defined( 'WP_SANDBOX_SCRAPING' ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( /* translators: 1: wp_default_scripts. 2: Name of the domain being aliased. */ esc_html__( 'Textdomain aliases should be registered before the %1$s hook. This notice was triggered by the %2$s domain.', 'jetpack-assets' ), '<code>wp_default_scripts</code>', '<code>' . esc_html( $from ) . '</code>' ), '' ); } if ( empty( self::$domain_map[ $from ] ) ) { self::init_domain_map_hooks( $from, array() === self::$domain_map ); self::$domain_map[ $from ] = array( $to, $totype, $ver, $path ); } elseif ( Semver::compare( $ver, self::$domain_map[ $from ][2] ) > 0 ) { self::$domain_map[ $from ] = array( $to, $totype, $ver, $path ); } } /** * Register textdomain aliases from a mapping file. * * The mapping file is simply a PHP file that returns an array * with the following properties: * - 'domain': String, `$to` * - 'type': String, `$totype` * - 'packages': Array, mapping `$from` to `array( 'path' => $path, 'ver' => $ver )` (or to the string `$ver` for back compat). * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $file Mapping file. */ public static function alias_textdomains_from_file( $file ) { $data = require $file; foreach ( $data['packages'] as $from => $fromdata ) { if ( ! is_array( $fromdata ) ) { $fromdata = array( 'path' => '', 'ver' => $fromdata, ); } self::alias_textdomain( $from, $data['domain'], $data['type'], $fromdata['ver'], $fromdata['path'] ); } } /** * Register the hooks for textdomain aliasing. * * @param string $domain Domain to alias. * @param bool $firstcall If this is the first call. */ private static function init_domain_map_hooks( $domain, $firstcall ) { // If WordPress's plugin API is available already, use it. If not, // drop data into `$wp_filter` for `WP_Hook::build_preinitialized_hooks()`. if ( function_exists( 'add_filter' ) ) { $add_filter = 'add_filter'; } else { $add_filter = function ( $hook_name, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ) { global $wp_filter; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $wp_filter[ $hook_name ][ $priority ][] = array( 'accepted_args' => $accepted_args, 'function' => $callback, ); }; } $add_filter( "gettext_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_gettext' ), 10, 3 ); $add_filter( "ngettext_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_ngettext' ), 10, 5 ); $add_filter( "gettext_with_context_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_gettext_with_context' ), 10, 4 ); $add_filter( "ngettext_with_context_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_ngettext_with_context' ), 10, 6 ); if ( $firstcall ) { $add_filter( 'load_script_translation_file', array( self::class, 'filter_load_script_translation_file' ), 10, 3 ); } } /** * Filter for `gettext`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $text Text to translate. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_gettext( $translation, $text, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $text ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n -- This is a filter hook to map the text domains from our Composer packages to the domain for a containing plugin. See https://wp.me/p2gHKz-oRh#problem-6-text-domains-in-composer-packages $newtext = __( $text, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); if ( $newtext !== $text ) { return $newtext; } } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `ngettext`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $single The text to be used if the number is singular. * @param string $plural The text to be used if the number is plural. * @param int $number The number to compare against to use either the singular or plural form. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_ngettext( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $single || $translation === $plural ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n -- This is a filter hook to map the text domains from our Composer packages to the domain for a containing plugin. See https://wp.me/p2gHKz-oRh#problem-6-text-domains-in-composer-packages $translation = _n( $single, $plural, $number, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `gettext_with_context`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $text Text to translate. * @param string $context Context information for the translators. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_gettext_with_context( $translation, $text, $context, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $text ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n -- This is a filter hook to map the text domains from our Composer packages to the domain for a containing plugin. See https://wp.me/p2gHKz-oRh#problem-6-text-domains-in-composer-packages $translation = _x( $text, $context, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `ngettext_with_context`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $single The text to be used if the number is singular. * @param string $plural The text to be used if the number is plural. * @param int $number The number to compare against to use either the singular or plural form. * @param string $context Context information for the translators. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_ngettext_with_context( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $context, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $single || $translation === $plural ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n -- This is a filter hook to map the text domains from our Composer packages to the domain for a containing plugin. See https://wp.me/p2gHKz-oRh#problem-6-text-domains-in-composer-packages $translation = _nx( $single, $plural, $number, $context, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `load_script_translation_file`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string|false $file Path to the translation file to load. False if there isn't one. * @param string $handle Name of the script to register a translation domain to. * @param string $domain The text domain. */ public static function filter_load_script_translation_file( $file, $handle, $domain ) { if ( false !== $file && isset( self::$domain_map[ $domain ] ) && ! is_readable( $file ) ) { // Determine the part of the filename after the domain. $suffix = basename( $file ); $l = strlen( $domain ); if ( substr( $suffix, 0, $l ) !== $domain || '-' !== $suffix[ $l ] ) { return $file; } $suffix = substr( $suffix, $l ); $lang_dir = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'WP_LANG_DIR' ); // Look for replacement files. list( $newdomain, $type ) = self::$domain_map[ $domain ]; $newfile = $lang_dir . ( 'core' === $type ? '/' : "/{$type}/" ) . $newdomain . $suffix; if ( is_readable( $newfile ) ) { return $newfile; } } return $file; } // endregion . } // Enable section folding in vim: // vim: foldmarker=//\ region,//\ endregion foldmethod=marker // .
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