Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/class-authorize-json-api.php
<?php /** * Authorize_Json_Api handler class. * Used to handle connections via JSON API. * Ported from the Jetpack class. * * @since 2.7.6 Ported from the Jetpack class. * * @package automattic/jetpack-connection */ namespace Automattic\Jetpack\Connection; use Automattic\Jetpack\Redirect; use Automattic\Jetpack\Status\Host; use Jetpack_Options; /** * Authorize_Json_Api handler class. */ class Authorize_Json_Api { /** * Verified data for JSON authorization request * * @since 2.7.6 * * @var array */ public $json_api_authorization_request = array(); /** * Verifies the request by checking the signature * * @since jetpack-4.6.0 Method was updated to use `$_REQUEST` instead of `$_GET` and `$_POST`. Method also updated to allow * passing in an `$environment` argument that overrides `$_REQUEST`. This was useful for integrating with SSO. * @since 2.7.6 Ported from Jetpack to the Connection package. * * @param null|array $environment Value to override $_REQUEST. * * @return void */ public function verify_json_api_authorization_request( $environment = null ) { $environment = $environment === null ? $_REQUEST // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- nonce verification handled later in function and request data are 1) used to verify a cryptographic signature of the request data and 2) sanitized later in function. : $environment; if ( ! isset( $environment['token'] ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'You must connect your Jetpack plugin to WordPress.com to use this feature.', 'jetpack-connection' ) ); } list( $env_token,, $env_user_id ) = explode( ':', $environment['token'] ); $token = ( new Tokens() )->get_access_token( (int) $env_user_id, $env_token ); if ( ! $token || empty( $token->secret ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'You must connect your Jetpack plugin to WordPress.com to use this feature.', 'jetpack-connection' ) ); } $die_error = __( 'Someone may be trying to trick you into giving them access to your site. Or it could be you just encountered a bug :). Either way, please close this window.', 'jetpack-connection' ); // Host has encoded the request URL, probably as a result of a bad http => https redirect. if ( preg_match( '/https?%3A%2F%2F/i', esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_GET['redirect_to'] ) ) ) > 0 // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotValidated -- no site changes, we're erroring out. ) { /** * Jetpack authorisation request Error. * * @since jetpack-7.5.0 */ do_action( 'jetpack_verify_api_authorization_request_error_double_encode' ); $die_error = sprintf( /* translators: %s is a URL */ __( 'Your site is incorrectly double-encoding redirects from http to https. This is preventing Jetpack from authenticating your connection. Please visit our <a href="%s">support page</a> for details about how to resolve this.', 'jetpack-connection' ), esc_url( Redirect::get_url( 'jetpack-support-double-encoding' ) ) ); } $jetpack_signature = new \Jetpack_Signature( $token->secret, (int) Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'time_diff' ) ); if ( isset( $environment['jetpack_json_api_original_query'] ) ) { $signature = $jetpack_signature->sign_request( $environment['token'], $environment['timestamp'], $environment['nonce'], '', 'GET', $environment['jetpack_json_api_original_query'], null, true ); } else { $signature = $jetpack_signature->sign_current_request( array( 'body' => null, 'method' => 'GET', ) ); } if ( ! $signature ) { wp_die( wp_kses( $die_error, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ) ) ); } elseif ( is_wp_error( $signature ) ) { wp_die( wp_kses( $die_error, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ) ) ); } elseif ( ! hash_equals( $signature, $environment['signature'] ) ) { if ( is_ssl() ) { // If we signed an HTTP request on the Jetpack Servers, but got redirected to HTTPS by the local blog, check the HTTP signature as well. $signature = $jetpack_signature->sign_current_request( array( 'scheme' => 'http', 'body' => null, 'method' => 'GET', ) ); if ( ! $signature || is_wp_error( $signature ) || ! hash_equals( $signature, $environment['signature'] ) ) { wp_die( wp_kses( $die_error, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ) ) ); } } else { wp_die( wp_kses( $die_error, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ) ) ); } } $timestamp = (int) $environment['timestamp']; $nonce = stripslashes( (string) $environment['nonce'] ); if ( ! ( new Nonce_Handler() )->add( $timestamp, $nonce ) ) { // De-nonce the nonce, at least for 5 minutes. // We have to reuse this nonce at least once (used the first time when the initial request is made, used a second time when the login form is POSTed). $old_nonce_time = get_option( "jetpack_nonce_{$timestamp}_{$nonce}" ); if ( $old_nonce_time < time() - 300 ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'The authorization process expired. Please go back and try again.', 'jetpack-connection' ) ); } } $data = json_decode( base64_decode( stripslashes( $environment['data'] ) ) // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.obfuscation_base64_decode ); $data_filters = array( 'state' => 'opaque', 'client_id' => 'int', 'client_title' => 'string', 'client_image' => 'url', ); foreach ( $data_filters as $key => $sanitation ) { if ( ! isset( $data->$key ) ) { wp_die( wp_kses( $die_error, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ) ) ); } switch ( $sanitation ) { case 'int': $this->json_api_authorization_request[ $key ] = (int) $data->$key; break; case 'opaque': $this->json_api_authorization_request[ $key ] = (string) $data->$key; break; case 'string': $this->json_api_authorization_request[ $key ] = wp_kses( (string) $data->$key, array() ); break; case 'url': $this->json_api_authorization_request[ $key ] = esc_url_raw( (string) $data->$key ); break; } } if ( empty( $this->json_api_authorization_request['client_id'] ) ) { wp_die( wp_kses( $die_error, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ) ) ); } } /** * Add the Access Code details to the public-api.wordpress.com redirect. * * @since 2.7.6 Ported from Jetpack to the Connection package. * * @param string $redirect_to URL. * @param string $original_redirect_to URL. * @param \WP_User $user WP_User for the redirect. * * @return string */ public function add_token_to_login_redirect_json_api_authorization( $redirect_to, $original_redirect_to, $user ) { // phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable return add_query_arg( urlencode_deep( array( 'jetpack-code' => get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'jetpack_json_api_' . $this->json_api_authorization_request['client_id'], true ), 'jetpack-user-id' => (int) $user->ID, 'jetpack-state' => $this->json_api_authorization_request['state'], ) ), $redirect_to ); } /** * If someone logs in to approve API access, store the Access Code in usermeta. * * @since 2.7.6 Ported from Jetpack to the Connection package. * * @param string $user_login Unused. * @param \WP_User $user User logged in. * * @return void */ public function store_json_api_authorization_token( $user_login, $user ) { add_filter( 'login_redirect', array( $this, 'add_token_to_login_redirect_json_api_authorization' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'allowed_redirect_hosts', array( Host::class, 'allow_wpcom_public_api_domain' ) ); $token = wp_generate_password( 32, false ); update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'jetpack_json_api_' . $this->json_api_authorization_request['client_id'], $token ); } /** * HTML for the JSON API authorization notice. * * @since 2.7.6 Ported from Jetpack to the Connection package. * * @return string */ public function login_message_json_api_authorization() { return '<p class="message">' . sprintf( /* translators: Name/image of the client requesting authorization */ esc_html__( '%s wants to access your site’s data. Log in to authorize that access.', 'jetpack-connection' ), '<strong>' . esc_html( $this->json_api_authorization_request['client_title'] ) . '</strong>' ) . '<img src="' . esc_url( $this->json_api_authorization_request['client_image'] ) . '" /></p>'; } }
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