Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-explat/src/class-rest-controller.php
<?php /** * The ExPlat Rest Controller class. * Registers the REST routes for ExPlat backend * * @package automattic/jetpack-explat */ namespace Automattic\Jetpack\ExPlat; use Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Client; use Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Manager as Jetpack_Connection; use WP_Error; use WP_REST_Server; /** * Registers general REST routes for ExPlat. */ class REST_Controller { /** * Namespace for the REST API. * * @var string */ public static $namespace = 'jetpack/v4/explat'; /** * Current version of the ExPlat API and components * * @var string */ const EXPLAT_API_VERSION = '0.1.0'; /** * Base API URI for WordPress.com * * @var string */ const WPCOM_API_BASE_URL = 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/wpcom/v2'; /** * Registers the REST routes. * * @access public * @static */ public function register_rest_routes() { register_rest_route( static::$namespace, 'assignments', array( 'methods' => WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'callback' => array( $this, 'get_assignments' ), 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', 'args' => array( 'experiment_name' => array( 'type' => 'string', ), 'anon_id' => array( 'type' => 'string', ), 'as_connected_user' => array( 'type' => 'boolean', ), ), ) ); } /** * Get the assignments for a given experiment and anon_id * * @param WP_REST_Request $request The REST request object. * @return WP_REST_Response */ public function get_assignments( $request ) { $response = null; $is_user_connected = ( new Jetpack_Connection() )->is_user_connected(); $request_path = '/experiments/' . self::EXPLAT_API_VERSION . '/assignments/jetpack'; $args = array( 'experiment_name' => $request['experiment_name'], 'anon_id' => $request['anon_id'], ); if ( $request['as_connected_user'] && $is_user_connected ) { $response = Client::wpcom_json_api_request_as_user( add_query_arg( $args, $request_path ), 'v2' ); } else { $response = wp_remote_get( add_query_arg( $args, self::WPCOM_API_BASE_URL . $request_path ) ); } if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'wp_error_fetching_assignment', $response->get_error_message(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ); if ( 200 !== $response_code ) { return new WP_Error( 'http_error_fetching_assignment', wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response ), array( 'status' => $response_code ) ); } return rest_ensure_response( json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true ) ); } }
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