Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/speedycache-pro/main/criticalcss.php
<?php /* * SPEEDYCACHE * https://speedycache.com/ * (c) SpeedyCache Team */ namespace SpeedyCache; if(!defined('ABSPATH')){ die('Hacking Attempt'); } class CriticalCss extends CommonCss{ static function generate($urls){ global $speedycache; $time = time() + 50; set_time_limit(60); $api = self::get_endpoint(); if(empty($urls)){ self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', 'URL not found'); return false; } if(empty($speedycache->license['license'])){ self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', 'License Not found, please link your License'); return false; } $path = speedycache_cache_path('critical-css/'); $error = ''; // To hold errors when single Critical CSS is generated $attempted_url = []; // Keeping track of URL that have been proccessed to generate CriticalCSS to handle in case of Timeout if(!is_dir($path)){ mkdir($path); touch($path . 'index.html'); } foreach($urls as $url){ // Handeling php timeout here if($time < time()){ $urls = array_diff($urls, $attempted_url); self::schedule($urls); return; } $url = trim($url, '/'); $license = strpos($speedycache->license['license'], 'SPDFY') !== 0 ? '' : $speedycache->license['license']; $attempted_url[] = $url; $basename = md5($url); $file_name = $path . $basename . '.css'; $response = wp_remote_post($api, array( 'timeout' => 30, 'body' => array( 'url' => $url, 'license' => $license, ), 'sslverify' => false, )); if(is_wp_error($response)){ $error = $response->get_error_message(); self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', $response->get_error_message(), $url); continue; } $body = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true); if(empty($body)){ $error = __('The response recieved is empty.', 'speedycache'); self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', __('The response recieved is empty.', 'speedycache'), $url); continue; } if(empty($body['success'])){ $error = !empty($body['message']) ? wp_strip_all_tags($body['message']) : __('Unable to extract CriticalCss', 'speedycache'); self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', !empty($body['message']) ? wp_strip_all_tags($body['message']) : __('Unable to extract CriticalCss', 'speedycache'), $url); continue; } if(empty($body['css']) || strlen($body['css']) < 20){ $error = __('Was unable to generate Critical CSS', 'speedycache'); self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', __('Was unable to generate Critical CSS', 'speedycache'), $url); continue; } if(!is_dir($path)){ mkdir($path); } file_put_contents($file_name, $body['css']); self::update_css($url, $body['css']); self::log('speedycache_ccss_logs', 'success', $url); //Updates the log on success if(!empty($error)){ return $error; } return true; } } // Builds up the list to schedule URLs static function get_url_list(){ global $blog_id; $pages = get_pages(array('child_of' => 0, 'number' => 9)); if(empty($pages)){ return false; } $page_to_crawl = []; $url = get_home_url(!empty($blog_id) ? $blog_id : null); if(!empty($url)){ $page_to_crawl['home'] = $url; } foreach($pages as $p){ $page_to_crawl[$p->ID] = get_page_link($p->ID); } return $page_to_crawl; } // Adds the generated css and asynchronyses the css includes static function update_css($url, $css){ global $speedycache; if(empty($url)){ return false; } if(empty($css) && file_exists(speedycache_cache_path('critical-css/') . md5($url) . '.css')){ $css = file_get_contents(speedycache_cache_path('critical-css/') . md5($url) . '.css'); } if(empty($css)){ return false; } $css = '<style id="speedycache-generated-criticalcss">'. "\n". wp_strip_all_tags($css) . '</style>'; $url = parse_url($url); $uri = !empty($url['path']) ? $url['path'] : ''; $cache_loc = $uri . '/index.html'; if(empty($cache_loc)){ return; } if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] === 'SpeedyCacheTest'){ $cache_path = speedycache_cache_path('test' . $cache_loc); } else { $cache_path = speedycache_cache_path('all' . $cache_loc); } $cache_path = rtrim($cache_path, '/'); // For Desktop \SpeedyCache\CriticalCss::update_cached($cache_path, $css); if(!empty($speedycache->options['mobile_theme']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] !== 'SpeedyCacheTest'){ $cache_mobile = speedycache_cache_path('mobile-cache' . $cache_loc); // For Mobile Cache if(file_exists($cache_mobile)){ \SpeedyCache\CriticalCss::update_cached($cache_mobile, $css); } } } // Updates the content of the cached file static function update_content($content, $css){ if(strpos($content, 'speedycache-generated-criticalcss') !== FALSE){ $content = preg_replace('/<style id="speedycache-generated-criticalcss">(.*)<\/style>/sU', $css, $content); } else{ $content = preg_replace('#</title>#iU', "</title>\n". $css, $content); } $content = \SpeedyCache\CriticalCss::make_css_defer($content); return $content; } /** * This extracts the stylesheet links and convertes them to preload to make them async, * and add the stylesheet links in noscript if js is disabled in some browsers */ static function make_css_defer($content){ $css_links = '/(?=<link[^>]*\s(rel\s*=\s*[\'"]stylesheet["\']))<link[^>]*\shref\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"](.*)>/iU'; preg_match_all($css_links, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0); if(empty($matches)){ return $content; } $noscript_wrap = '<noscript>'; foreach($matches as $tag){ $preload = str_replace('stylesheet', 'preload', $tag[1]); $onload = preg_replace('~' . preg_quote($tag[3], '~') . '~iU', ' as="style" onload="" ' . $tag[3] . '>', $tag[3]); $new_tag = str_replace($tag[3] . '>', $onload, $tag[0]); $new_tag = str_replace($tag[1], $preload, $new_tag); $new_tag = str_replace('onload=""', 'onload="this.onload=null;this.rel=\'stylesheet\'"', $new_tag); $new_tag = preg_replace('/(id\s*=\s*[\"\'](?:[^\"\']*)*[\"\'])/i', '', $new_tag); $content = str_replace($tag[0], $new_tag, $content); $noscript_wrap .= $tag[0]; } $noscript_wrap .= '</noscript>'; $content = str_replace($noscript_wrap, '', $content); return str_replace('</body>', $noscript_wrap . '</body>', $content); } static function status_modal(){ $html = '<!--SpeedyCache Critical CSS Logs Modal Starts Here--> <div modal-id="speedycache_critical_css" class="speedycache-modal"> <div class="speedycache-modal-wrap"> <div class="speedycache-modal-header"> <div>'.esc_html__('Critical Cache Logs', 'speedycache').'</div> <div title="Close Modal" class="speedycache-close-modal"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span> </div> </div> <div class="speedycache-modal-content" style="min-height:50vh;"> <div class="speedycache-critical-css-status">'; $generate_ccss = get_option('speedycache_ccss_logs', []); $scheduled = self::get_schedule(array('speedycache_generate_ccss')); if(!empty($scheduled)){ $time = 'now'; if(!empty($scheduled[0]['time']) && ($scheduled[0]['time'] - time()) > 0){ $time = 'in ' . ($scheduled[0]['time'] - time()) . 's'; } $html .= '<p style="color:rgb(1, 67, 97); background-color: rgb(229, 246, 253); padding: 10px; border-radius: 6px; font-family: monospace;">'. esc_html__('A process has been scheduled and will be executed', 'speedycache'). ' <strong>' . esc_html($time).'</strong></p>'; } if(count($generate_ccss) < 1){ $html .= '<span>'.esc_html__('No Logs found for CriticalCss', 'speedycache').'</span>'; } else { $html .='<table style="margin:auto; width: 100%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="speedycache-table-hitem" scope="col">'.esc_html__('Time', 'speedycache').'</th> <th class="speedycache-table-hitem" scope="col">'. esc_html__('URLs', 'speedycache').'</th> <th class="speedycache-table-hitem" scope="col">'. esc_html__('Status', 'speedycache').'</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; $generate_ccss = array_reverse($generate_ccss); foreach($generate_ccss as $url => $status){ $parsed_url = wp_parse_url($url); $path = !empty($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : '/'; if($status['message'] == 'success'){ $status_html = '<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes-alt" style="color: #198754;" title="Success"></span>'; } else { $status_html = '<div class="speedycache-tt"><span class="dashicons dashicons-info" style="color:#DC3545;"></span><span class="speedycache-tt-text">'.esc_html($status['message']).'</span></div>'; } $html .= '<tr><td class="speedycache-table-item">'.esc_html($status['time']).'</td> <td class="speedycache-table-item">'.esc_html($path).'</td> <td class="speedycache-table-item" style="text-align:right;">'.wp_kses_post($status_html).'</td></tr>'; } $html .= '</tbody> </table>'; } $html .= '</div> </div> </div> </div>'; return $html; } }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.33 | Генерация страницы: 0 |