Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/speedycache-pro/main/logs.php
<?php /* * SPEEDYCACHE * https://speedycache.com/ * (c) SpeedyCache Team */ namespace SpeedyCache; if( !defined('SPEEDYCACHE_PRO_VERSION') ){ die('HACKING ATTEMPT!'); } class Logs{ static function log($type){ global $speedycache; $speedycache->logs = array(); $speedycache->logs['type'] = $type; $speedycache->logs['name'] = ''; $speedycache->logs['limit'] = 0; $speedycache->logs['logs'] = array(); if($speedycache->logs['type'] == 'delete'){ $speedycache->logs['name'] = 'speedycache_delete_cache_logs'; $speedycache->logs['limit'] = 25; } self::set_logs(); } static function update_db(){ global $speedycache; if(get_option($speedycache->logs['name'])){ update_option($speedycache->logs['name'], $speedycache->logs['logs']); }else{ update_option($speedycache->logs['name'], $speedycache->logs['logs'], null, 'no'); } } static function set_logs(){ global $speedycache; if($log = get_option($speedycache->logs['name'])){ $speedycache->logs['logs'] = $log; } } // To detect which static function called delete_cache() static function decode_via($data){ $return_res = ''; switch($data['function']){ case 'all_cache': $return_res = '- All cache files deleted from Manage Cache'; break; case 'delete_single': $return_res = '- Cache of a page got deleted'; break; case 'gravatar': $return_res = '- Gravatar cache deleted'; break; case 'minified': $return_res = '- Minified and combined assets deleted'; break; case 'cache': if(empty($data['args'][0])){ $return_res = '- Cache of a page got deleted'; break; } $return_res = '- Cache of a page #ID:'.$data['args'][0].' got deleted'; break; case 'purge_varnish': $return_res = '- Varnish Cache got Purged Successfully'; break; case 'on_status_transitions': case 'on_status_change': if(empty($data['args'])){ $return_res = '- Cache of one page has been purged on page status transition'; break; } $type = $data['args'][2]->post_type; if($data['args'][0] == 'publish' && $data['args'][1] == 'publish'){ $return_res = '- The '.$type.' has been updated- #ID:'.$data['args'][2]->ID.' - One cached file has been removed'; }else if($data['args'][0] == 'publish' && $data['args'][1] != 'publish'){ $return_res = '- New '.$type.' has been published - '.$type.' ID:'.$data['args'][2]->ID; }else { $return_res = '- The '.$type.' status has been changed. - '.$data['args'][1].' > '.$data['args'][0].' #ID:'.$data['args'][2]->ID; } break; case 'wp_set_comment_status': case 'on_comment_status': if(empty($data['args'])){ $return_res = '- Post cache deleted becuase of comment status change'; break; } if(isset($data['args'][2]->comment_ID)){ $return_res = '- Comment(ID: '.$data['args'][2]->comment_ID.') has been marked as '.$data['args'][1].' - One cached file has been removed'; }else{ $return_res = '- Comment has been marked as '.$data['args'][1].' - Comment ID: '.$data['args'][0].' - One cached file has been removed'; } break; } if(!empty($return_res)){ return $return_res; } return $data['function']; } static function get_via(){ $arr = array(); $via = debug_backtrace(); // TODO: Need to remove unwanted code from this if(isset($via[8]) && ($via[8]['function'] == 'wp_set_comment_status') && ($via[2]['function'] == 'home_page_cache') && ($via[3]['function'] == 'speedycache_single_delete_cache')){ return false; } if($via[3]['function'] == 'speedycache_delete_home_page_cache'){ return false; } if($via[4]['function'] == 'clear_cache_after_woocommerce_checkout_order_processed'){ $arr['args'] = array(); $arr['function'] = $via[4]['function']; $order = wc_get_order($via[4]['args'][0]); if($order){ foreach($order->get_items() as $item_key => $item_values ){ array_push($arr['args'], $item_values->get_product_id()); } } }elseif($via[4]['function'] === 'speedycache_set_schedule'){ $arr['function'] = $via[4]['function']; $arr['args'] = $via[4]['args']; }elseif($via[2]['function'] == 'varnish'){ $arr['function'] = $via[2]['function']; }else if($via[3]['function'] == 'on_status_transitions' || $via[3]['function'] == 'speedycache_single_delete_cache'){ $arr['args'] = $via[3]['args']; $arr['function'] = $via[3]['function']; } else if($via[3]['function'] == 'on_comment_status' || $via[3]['function'] == 'on_status_change'){ $arr['args'] = $via[3]['args']; $arr['function'] = $via[3]['function']; }else if($via[4]['function'] == 'speedycache_delete_css_and_js_cache_toolbar' || $via[4]['function'] == 'speedycache_delete_cache_toolbar'){ $arr['function'] = $via[4]['function']; }else if(isset($via[7]) && ($via[7]['function'] == 'wp_set_comment_status')){ $arr['args'] = $via[7]['args']; $arr['function'] = $via[7]['function']; }else if(isset($via[6]) && ($via[3]['function'] == 'apply_filters' && $via[6]['function'] == 'speedycache_clear_all_cache')){ $arr['file'] = $via[6]['file']; $arr['function'] = $via[6]['function']; }else if(in_array($via[2]['function'], ['all_cache', 'gravatar', 'minified', 'purge_varnish'])){ $arr['function'] = $via[2]['function']; }else if($via[2]['function'] == 'cache'){ $arr['function'] = $via[2]['function']; $arr['args'] = $via[2]['args']; }else{ $arr['function'] = $via[3]['function']; if(isset($via[3]['file']) && $via[3]['file']){ if(preg_match("/\/plugins\/([^\/]+)\//", $via[3]['file'], $plugin_name)){ $arr['function'] = $arr['function'].' ('.$plugin_name[1].')'; } } } return $arr; } static function action($from = ''){ global $speedycache; if($speedycache->logs['type'] == 'delete'){ $log = []; $log['date'] = date('d-m-Y @ H:i:s', current_time('timestamp')); if($from && $from['prefix'] != 'all'){ $log['via'] = []; $log['via']['function'] = '- Cache Timeout / '.$from['prefix'].' '.$from['content']; }else{ $log['via'] = self::get_via(); } } if($log && $log['via'] !== false){ if(!in_array($log, $speedycache->logs['logs'])){ array_unshift($speedycache->logs['logs'], $log); if($speedycache->logs['limit'] < count($speedycache->logs['logs'])){ array_pop($speedycache->logs['logs']); } self::update_db(); } } } static function print_logs(){ global $speedycache; ?> <div id="speedycache-delete-logs"> <div class="speedycache-block"> <div class="speedycache-block-title"> <h2>Delete Cache Logs</h2> </div> <table class="speedycache-log-table"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Date</th> <th scope="col">Via</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if($speedycache->logs['logs'] && count($speedycache->logs['logs']) > 0){ ?> <?php foreach($speedycache->logs['logs'] as $key => $log){ ?> <tr> <td scope="row"><?php echo isset($log['date']) ? esc_html($log['date']) : '';?></td> <td style="border-right:1px solid #DEDBD1;"><?php echo isset($log['via']) ? esc_html(self::decode_via($log['via'])) : ''; ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php }else{ ?> <tr> <td style="border-left:1px solid #DEDBD1;" scope="row"><label>No Log</label></td> <td style="border-right:1px solid #DEDBD1;"></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <?php } }
| ver. 1.4 |
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