Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/speedycache-pro/main/objectcache.php
<?php namespace SpeedyCache; if(!defined('ABSPATH')){ die('HACKING ATTEMPT!'); } class ObjectCache{ static $oc_driver = 'Redis'; static $port = '6379'; static $host = ''; static $conn; static $ttl = 360; // in seconds static $is_multisite = false; static $blog_id; static $prefix = 'speedycache'; static $conf_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/.speedycache-object.dat'; static $conf; static $instance; static $persistent; static $async_flush; static $serialize; static $non_cache_group; static function get_instance(){ if(self::$instance){ return self::$instance; } self::$instance = new self(); try{ self::boot(); } catch(\Exception $e){ // Don't need to log here as the error has been already logged before, this it just to prevent error } return self::$instance; } static function boot(){ self::$conf = self::get_conf(); self::$host = !empty(self::$conf['host']) ? self::$conf['host'] : ''; self::$port = !empty(self::$conf['port']) ? self::$conf['port'] : '6379'; self::$ttl = !empty(self::$conf['ttl']) ? (int) self::$conf['ttl'] : 360; self::$persistent = !empty(self::$conf['persistent']) ? true : false; self::$async_flush = !empty(self::$conf['async_flush']) ? true : false; self::$serialize = !empty(self::$conf['serialization']) ? self::$conf['serialization'] : 'none'; $compress = !empty(self::$conf['compress']) ? self::$conf['compress'] : 'COMPRESSION_NONE'; self::$non_cache_group = (!empty(self::$conf['non_cache_group']) && is_array(self::$conf['non_cache_group'])) ? self::$conf['non_cache_group'] : []; if(self::$host === 'localhost'){ self::$host = ''; } if(empty(self::connect())){ error_log('SpeedyCache: Unable to connect to Redis'); return false; } try{ switch(self::$serialize){ case 'SERIALIZER_PHP': self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_SERIALIZER, self::$conn::SERIALIZER_PHP); break; case 'SERIALIZER_IGBINARY': self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_SERIALIZER, self::$conn::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY); break; default: self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_SERIALIZER, self::$conn::SERIALIZER_NONE); break; } switch($compress){ case 'COMPRESSION_NONE': self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_COMPRESSION, self::$conn::COMPRESSION_NONE); break; case 'COMPRESSION_ZSTD': self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_COMPRESSION, self::$conn::COMPRESSION_ZSTD); self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, (string) -5); break; case 'COMPRESSION_LZ4': self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_COMPRESSION, self::$conn::COMPRESSION_LZ4); break; case 'COMPRESSION_LZF': self::$conn->setOption(self::$conn::OPT_COMPRESSION, self::$conn::COMPRESSION_LZF); break; } } catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log($e->getMessage()); throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); // To show on settings page return false; } } static function get_conf(){ if(!file_exists(self::$conf_file)){ return []; } $conf = file_get_contents(self::$conf_file); if(empty($conf)){ error_log('SpeedyCache: Conf file was empty'); return; } return json_decode($conf, true); } // Creates a unique id based on blogID, group and key static function id($key, $group){ return self::$prefix . ':' . self::$blog_id.$group . ':' . $key; } // Updates object-cache.php file at wp-content/object-cache.php static function update_file(){ $file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/object-cache.php'; if(!file_exists($file)){ touch($file); } $code = '<?php if(!defined("WPINC")){ die(); } if(!defined("SPEEDYCACHE_OBJECT_CACHE")){ define("SPEEDYCACHE_OBJECT_CACHE", true); } $plugin_dir = (defined("WP_PLUGIN_DIR") ? WP_PLUGIN_DIR : WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/plugins") . "/speedycache-pro"; $conf_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/.speedycache-object.dat"; $lib_file = $plugin_dir . "/main/object-cache-lib.php"; if(file_exists($plugin_dir) && file_exists($conf_file) && file_exists($lib_file)){ $spdf_config = file_get_contents($conf_file); $spdf_config = json_decode($spdf_config, true); if (! SPEEDYCACHE_OBJECT_CACHE || (empty($spdf_config["admin"]) && defined("WP_ADMIN"))){ wp_using_ext_object_cache(false); }else if (file_exists($lib_file)) { include_once $lib_file; } }'; file_put_contents($file, $code); } static function connect(){ if(!empty(self::$conn)){ return true; } if(!class_exists(self::$oc_driver)){ error_log('SpeedyCache: The defined driver ' . self::$oc_driver . 'not present'); return false; } $failed = false; $is_socket = false; if(strpos(self::$host, '.sock')){ $is_socket = true; } $persistent = !empty(self::$persistent) ? 'pconnect' : 'connect'; if(self::$oc_driver == 'Redis'){ try { self::$conn = new \Redis(); if($is_socket){ self::$conn->{$persistent}(self::$host); } else { self::$conn->{$persistent}(self::$host, self::$port); } if(!empty(self::$conf['username']) && !empty(self::$conf['password'])){ self::$conn->auth(['user' => self::$conf['username'], 'pass' => self::$conf['password']]); } else if(!empty(self::$conf['password'])){ self::$conn->auth(self::$conf['password']); } // Testing if connection worked $res = self::$conn->ping(); if(empty($res) && $res !== '+PONG'){ $failed = true; } if(!empty($failed)){ self::$conn = null; return false; } self::$conn->select((int) (!empty(self::$conf['db-id']) ? self::$conf['db-id'] : 0)); }catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log('SpeedyCache' . $e->getMessage()); throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); // To show on settings page return false; } catch(\Exception $e){ error_log('SpeedyCache ->>' . $e->getMessage()); throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); // To show on settings page } } return true; } static function set($key, $data, $expire = 0){ if(empty(self::$conn)){ return false; } $ttl = $expire ?: self::$ttl; if((is_array($data) || is_object($data)) && self::$serialize === 'none'){ $data = serialize($data); } try{ $res = self::$conn->setEx($key, $ttl, $data); } catch (\RedisException $ex) { error_log($ex->getMessage()); } } static function get($key){ if(empty(self::$conn)){ return false; } try{ return self::$conn->get($key); }catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log($e->getMessage()); return false; } } static function exists($key){ if(empty(self::$conn)){ return false; } try{ return self::$conn->exists($key); }catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log($e->getMessage()); return false; } } static function delete($key){ $del = self::$async_flush ? 'unlink' : 'del'; if(empty(self::$conf['enable'])){ return false; } if(empty(self::$conn)){ return false; } try{ self::$conn->{$del}($key); } catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log($e->getMessage()); return false; } } static function get_memory(){ self::boot(); if(empty(self::$conn)){ return 'None'; } try{ $memory = self::$conn->info('memory'); } catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log($e->getMessage()); return 'None'; } if(!empty($memory['used_memory'])){ return size_format($memory['used_memory']); } return 'None'; } // Flushes whole database static function flush_db($sync = true){ if(empty(self::$conf['enable'])){ return false; } if(empty(self::$conn)){ return false; } try{ return self::$conn->flushDb($sync); } catch(\RedisException $e){ error_log($e->getMessage()); return false; } } }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.33 | Генерация страницы: 0 |