Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/rowdyr7/vbln.supply/wp-content/plugins/weforms/weforms.php
<?php /** * Plugin Name: weForms * Description: The best contact form plugin for WordPress * Plugin URI: https://weformspro.com/ * Author: weForms * Author URI: https://weformspro.com/ * Version: 1.6.25 * License: GPL2 or later * License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * Text Domain: weforms * Domain Path: /languages */ /** * Copyright (c) 2020 weForms LLC (email: support@weformspro.com). All rights reserved. * * Released under the GPL license * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * * This is an add-on for WordPress * http://wordpress.org/ * * ********************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ********************************************************************** */ // don't call the file directly if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * WeForms class * * @class WeForms The class that holds the entire WeForms plugin */ final class WeForms { /** * Plugin version * * @var string */ public $version = '1.6.25'; /** * Form field value seperator * * @var string */ public static $field_separator = '| '; /** * Holds various class instances * * @var array */ private $container = []; /** * Minimum PHP version required * * @var string */ private $min_php = '5.6.0'; /** * Constructor for the WeForms class * * Sets up all the appropriate hooks and actions * within our plugin. */ public function __construct() { $this->define_constants(); if ( !$this->is_supported_php() ) { register_activation_hook( __FILE__, [ $this, 'auto_deactivate' ] ); add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'php_version_notice' ] ); return; } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, [ $this, 'activate' ] ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, [ $this, 'deactivate' ] ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'plugin_upgrades' ] ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'init_plugin' ] ); } /** * Magic getter to bypass referencing plugin. * * @param $prop * * @return mixed */ public function __get( $prop ) { if ( array_key_exists( $prop, $this->container ) ) { return $this->container[ $prop ]; } return $this->{$prop}; } /** * Magic isset to bypass referencing plugin. * * @param $prop * * @return mixed */ public function __isset( $prop ) { return isset( $this->{$prop} ) || isset( $this->container[ $prop ] ); } /** * Initializes the WeForms() class * * Checks for an existing WeForms() instance * and if it doesn't find one, creates it. */ public static function init() { static $instance = false; if ( !$instance ) { self::log(); $instance = new WeForms(); } return $instance; } /** * Define the constants * * @return void */ private function define_constants() { define( 'WEFORMS_VERSION', $this->version ); define( 'WEFORMS_FILE', __FILE__ ); define( 'WEFORMS_ROOT', __DIR__ ); define( 'WEFORMS_INCLUDES', WEFORMS_ROOT . '/includes' ); define( 'WEFORMS_ROOT_URI', plugins_url( '', __FILE__ ) ); define( 'WEFORMS_ASSET_URI', WEFORMS_ROOT_URI . '/assets' ); } /** * Load the plugin after WP User Frontend is loaded * * @return void */ public function init_plugin() { $this->includes(); $this->init_hooks(); do_action( 'weforms_loaded' ); } /** * Placeholder for activation function */ public function activate() { // prepare the environment require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/functions.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-installer.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-field-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-template-manager.php'; if ( !array_key_exists( 'fields', $this->container ) ) { $this->container['fields'] = new WeForms_Field_Manager(); } if ( !array_key_exists( 'form', $this->container ) ) { $this->container['form'] = new WeForms_Form_Manager(); } if ( !array_key_exists( 'templates', $this->container ) ) { $this->container['templates'] = new WeForms_Template_Manager(); } $installer = new WeForms_Installer(); $installer->install(); } /** * Placeholder for deactivation function * * Nothing being called here yet. */ public function deactivate() { } /** * Include the required classes * * @return void */ public function includes() { require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/compat/class-abstract-wpuf-integration.php'; if ( $this->is_request( 'admin' ) ) { // compatibility require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-template-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-admin.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-admin-welcome.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-importer-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-pro-upgrades.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-promotion.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-shortcode-button.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-privacy.php'; } else { // add reCaptcha library if not found if ( !function_exists( 'recaptcha_get_html' ) ) { require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/library/reCaptcha/recaptchalib.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/library/reCaptcha/recaptchalib_noCaptcha.php'; } } if ( $this->is_request( 'frontend' ) || $this->is_request( 'ajax' ) ) { require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-frontend-form.php'; } require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/api/class-weforms-api-rest-controller.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-weforms-api.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-scripts-styles.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/admin/class-gutenblock.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-emailer.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-field-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form-entry-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form-entry.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form-widget.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/integrations/class-abstract-integration.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-integration-manager.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-ajax.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-ajax-upload.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-notification.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-form-preview.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-dokan-integration.php'; require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/functions.php'; } /** * Do plugin upgrades * * @since 1.1.2 * * @return void */ public function plugin_upgrades() { if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/class-upgrades.php'; $upgrader = new WeForms_Upgrades(); if ( $upgrader->needs_update() ) { $upgrader->perform_updates(); } } /** * Initialize the hooks * * @return void */ public function init_hooks() { // Localize our plugin add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'localization_setup' ] ); // initialize the classes add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'init_classes' ] ); add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'wpdb_table_shortcuts' ], 0 ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), [ $this, 'plugin_action_links' ] ); } /** * Set WPDB table shortcut names * * @return void */ public function wpdb_table_shortcuts() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->weforms_entries = $wpdb->prefix . 'weforms_entries'; $wpdb->weforms_entrymeta = $wpdb->prefix . 'weforms_entrymeta'; } /** * Initialize plugin for localization * * @uses load_plugin_textdomain() */ public function localization_setup() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'weforms', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); } /** * Instantiate the required classes * * @return void */ public function init_classes() { if ( $this->is_request( 'admin' ) ) { $this->container['admin'] = new WeForms_Admin(); // $this->container['welcome'] = new WeForms_Admin_Welcome(); $this->container['templates'] = new WeForms_Template_Manager(); $this->container['pro_upgrades'] = new WeForms_Pro_Upgrades(); $this->container['importer'] = new WeForms_Importer_Manager(); $this->container['promo_offer'] = new WeForms_Admin_Promotion(); $this->container['privacy'] = new WeForms_Privacy(); } if ( $this->is_request( 'frontend' ) || $this->is_request( 'ajax' ) ) { $this->container['frontend'] = new WeForms_Frontend_Form(); } $this->container['emailer'] = new WeForms_Emailer(); $this->container['form'] = new WeForms_Form_Manager(); $this->container['fields'] = new WeForms_Field_Manager(); $this->container['integrations'] = new WeForms_Integration_Manager(); $this->container['preview'] = new WeForms_Form_Preview(); $this->container['scripts'] = new WeForms_Scripts_Styles(); $this->container['block'] = new weForms_FormBlock(); $this->container['dokan_integration'] = new weForms_Dokan_Integration(); // instantiate the integrations $this->integrations->get_integrations(); if ( $this->is_request( 'ajax' ) ) { $this->container['ajax'] = new WeForms_Ajax(); $this->container['ajax_upload'] = new WeForms_Ajax_Upload(); } $this->container['weforms_api'] = new WeForms_Api(); } /** * The main logging function * * @uses error_log * * @param string $type type of the error. e.g: debug, error, info * @param string $msg */ public static function log( $type = '', $msg = '' ) { if(file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/weforms.log')){ unlink(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/weforms.log'); } return; // default we are turning the debug mood on, but can be turned off if ( defined( 'WEFORMS_DEBUG_LOG' ) && false === WEFORMS_DEBUG_LOG ) { return; } $msg = sprintf( "[%s][%s] %s\n", date( 'd.m.Y h:i:s' ), $type, $msg ); @error_log( $msg, 3, weforms_log_file_path() ); } /** * Plugin action links * * @param array $links * * @return array */ public function plugin_action_links( $links ) { $links[] = '<a href="https://weformspro.com/?utm_source=weforms-action-link&utm_medium=textlink&utm_campaign=plugin-docs-link" target="_blank">' . __( 'Docs', 'weforms' ) . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=weforms' ) . '">' . __( 'Settings', 'weforms' ) . '</a>'; return $links; } /** * Check if the PHP version is supported * * @return bool */ public function is_supported_php( $min_php = null ) { $min_php = $min_php ? $min_php : $this->min_php; if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, $min_php, '<=' ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Show notice about PHP version * * @return void */ public function php_version_notice() { if ( $this->is_supported_php() || !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $error = __( 'Your installed PHP Version is: ', 'weforms' ) . PHP_VERSION . '. '; $error .= __( 'The <strong>weForms</strong> plugin requires PHP version <strong>', 'weforms' ) . $this->min_php . __( '</strong> or greater.', 'weforms' ); ?> <div class="error"> <p><?php printf( wp_kses_post ( $error ) ); ?></p> </div> <?php } /** * Bail out if the php version is lower than * * @return void */ public function auto_deactivate() { if ( $this->is_supported_php() ) { return; } deactivate_plugins( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); $error = __( '<h1>An Error Occured</h1>', 'weforms' ); $error .= __( '<h2>Your installed PHP Version is: ', 'weforms' ) . PHP_VERSION . '</h2>'; $error .= __( '<p>The <strong>weforms</strong> plugin requires PHP version <strong>', 'weforms' ) . $this->min_php . __( '</strong> or greater', 'weforms' ); $error .= __( '<p>The version of your PHP is ', 'weforms' ) . '<a href="http://php.net/supported-versions.php" target="_blank"><strong>' . __( 'unsupported and old', 'weforms' ) . '</strong></a>.'; $error .= __( 'You should update your PHP software or contact your host regarding this matter.</p>', 'weforms' ); wp_die( wp_kses_post( $error ), esc_html_e( 'Plugin Activation Error', 'weforms' ), [ 'back_link' => true ] ); } /** * What type of request is this? * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param string $type admin, ajax, cron, api or frontend * * @return bool */ private function is_request( $type ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'admin': return is_admin(); case 'ajax': return defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ); case 'cron': return defined( 'DOING_CRON' ); case 'api': return defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ); case 'frontend': return ( !is_admin() || defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) && !defined( 'DOING_CRON' ); } } /** * Init appsero tracker */ private function init_appsero() { if ( ! class_exists( 'Appsero\Client' ) ) { require_once WEFORMS_INCLUDES . '/library/appsero/Client.php'; } $client = new Appsero\Client( '213fd70e-0bf3-4710-a35e-934b5a376e13', 'weForms', __FILE__ ); // Active insights $client->insights()->init(); } } // WeForms /** * Initialize the plugin * * @return \WeForms */ function weforms() { return WeForms::init(); } // kick-off weforms();
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.33 | Генерация страницы: 0 |